The attorney JUDr. Martina Mikolajczyková also provides legal services for consumers. A consumer is any person who enters into a contract with an entrepreneur (lawyer) or deals with them in any other way outside their business activities or outside the independent performance of their occupation.
Disputes between a consumer and a lawyer can also be dealt with out of court. The body for the settlement of disputes between consumers and lawyers is the Czech Bar Association, which has its headquarters at Národní 16, Prague 1, postcode: 110 00 (internet address:
Only a consumer can submit a proposal for the settlement of a consumer-lawyer dispute, and the participation of the lawyer in the proceedings is mandatory. The consumer has the right to be presented with proof of service provision by a lawyer; this document should indicate the date when the service was provided. The consumer is entitled to raise a complaint against the provided service. In the event of such a complaint, the consumer is obliged to submit written confirmation of when the entitlement was claimed, the content of the complaint and the means of complaint settlement the consumer requires.
When communicating with a client in the position of a consumer, the public communication network can be used in connection with the concluded contract. However, phone numbers with a higher-than-standard price cannot be used for this communication.
The opinions and articles on this website are of a general nature and the attorney does not assume responsibility for the outcome of their application due to lack of knowledge of the particular circumstances of each individual client´s case. Every case requires individual evaluation. For an opinion on your specific situation, please contact us.